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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - negative


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~1 adj 1 »EFFECT« bad or harmful  (socialist policies that have had a negative effect on the country's economy | I think our relationship was very negative and destructive.)  (- opposite positive (7)) 2 »ATTITUDE« considering only the bad qualities of a situation, person etc and not the good ones  (Her negative attitude really annoys me. | The play was criticized for its violence, and its bleak, negative message. | be negative (about))  (Don't be so negative - of course you can win!)  (- opposite positive (2)) 3 »NO/NOT« a) saying or meaning no  (a negative response to our request) b) containing one of the words `no', `not', `nothing', `never' etc; for example `cannot' and `can't' are the negative forms of `can'  (- opposite affirmative (1)) 4 »SCIENTIFIC TEST« not showing any sign of the chemical or medical condition that was being looked for  (The pregnancy test was negative.)  (- opposite positive (6)) 5 »ELECTRICITY« technical of the type that is carried by electrons  (- opposite positive (11)) 6 »NUMBER/QUANTITY« less than zero  (a negative return to our investment (=a loss)) 7 »BLOOD« technical not having rhesus factor in your blood  (- opposite positive (13)) - negatively adv ~2 n 1 a statement or expression that means `no'  (in the negative formal (=saying `no'))  (He answered in the negative.)  (- opposite affirmative) 2 a photographic image that shows dark areas as light and light areas as dark, from which the final picture is printed ~3 v formal 1 to refuse to accept a proposal or request 2 to prove something to be untrue
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  (negatives) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A fact, situation, or experience that is negative is unpleasant, depressing, or harmful. The news from overseas is overwhelmingly negative... All this had an extremely negative effect on the criminal justice system. ? positive ADJ • negatively This will negatively affect the result over the first half of the year. ADV: ADV with v 2. If someone is negative or has a negative attitude, they consider only the bad aspects of a situation, rather than the good ones. When asked for your views about your current job, on no account must you be negative about it... Why does the media present such a negative view of this splendid city? ? positive ADJ • negatively A few weeks later he said that maybe he viewed all his relationships rather negatively. ADV: usu ADV after v • negativity I loathe negativity. I can’t stand people who moan. N-UNCOUNT 3. A negative reply or decision indicates the answer ‘no’. Dr Velayati gave a vague but negative response... Upon a negative decision, the applicant loses the protection offered by Belgian law... ? affirmative ADJ • negatively 60 percent of the sample answered negatively... ADV: ADV after v 4. A negative is a word, expression, or gesture that means ‘no’ or ‘not’. In the past we have heard only negatives when it came to following a healthy diet. N-COUNT 5. In grammar, a negative clause contains a word such as ‘not’, ‘never’, or ‘no-one’. ADJ 6. If a medical test or scientific test is negative, it shows no evidence of the medical condition or substance that you are looking for. So far 57 have taken the test and all have been negative. ...negative test results. ? positive ADJ 7. HIV negative: see HIV 8. In photography, a negative is an image that shows dark areas as light and light areas as dark. Negatives are made from a camera film, and are used to print photographs. N-COUNT 9. A negative charge or...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Date: 15th century  1.  a. marked by denial, prohibition, or refusal received a ~ answer; also marked by absence, withholding, or removal of something positive the ~ motivation of shame — Garrett Hardin  b.  (1) denying a predicate of a subject or a part of a subject “no A is B” is a ~ proposition  (2) denoting the absence or the contradictory of something nontoxic is a ~ term  (3) expressing negation ~ particles such as no and not  c. adverse, unfavorable the reviews were mostly ~  2.  a. lacking positive qualities; especially disagreeable  b. marked by features of hostility, withdrawal, or pessimism that hinder or oppose constructive treatment or development a ~ outlook ~ criticism  c. promoting a person or cause by criticizing or attacking the competition ran a ~ campaign ~ advertising  3.  a.  (1) less than zero and opposite in sign to a positive number that when added to the given number yields zero -2 is a ~ number  (2) having more outgo than income ; constituting a loss ~ cash flow ~ worth  b. extending or generated in a direction opposite to an arbitrarily chosen regular direction or position ~ angle  4.  a. being, relating to, or charged with electricity of which the electron is the elementary unit  b. having more electrons than protons a ~ ion  c.  (1) having lower electric potential and constituting the part toward which the current flows from the external circuit the ~ pole  (2) being the electron-emitting electrode of an electron tube  5.  a. not affirming the presence of a condition, substance, or organism suspected to be present; also having a test result indicating the absence especially of a condition, substance, or organism she is HIV ~  b. directed or moving away from a source of stimulation ~ tropism  c. less than the pressure of the atmosphere ~ pressure  6. having the light and dark parts in approximately inverse relation to those of the original photographic subject  7. of a lens diverging light rays and forming a virtual...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n. & v. --adj. 1 expressing or implying denial, prohibition, or refusal (a negative vote; a negative answer). 2 (of a person or attitude): a lacking positive attributes; apathetic; pessimistic. b opposing or resisting; uncooperative. 3 marked by the absence of qualities (a negative reaction; a negative result from the test). 4 of the opposite nature to a thing regarded as positive (debt is negative capital). 5 Algebra (of a quantity) less than zero, to be subtracted from others or from zero (opp. POSITIVE). 6 Electr. a of the kind of charge carried by electrons (opp. POSITIVE). b containing or producing such a charge. --n. 1 a negative statement, reply, or word (hard to prove a negative). 2 Photog. a an image with black and white reversed or colours replaced by complementary ones, from which positive pictures are obtained. b a developed film or plate bearing such an image. 3 a negative quality; an absence of something. 4 (prec. by the) a position opposing the affirmative. 5 Logic = NEGATION 6. --v.tr. 1 refuse to accept or countenance; veto; reject. 2 disprove (an inference or hypothesis). 3 contradict (a statement). 4 neutralize (an effect). Phrases and idioms in the negative with negative effect; so as to reject a proposal etc.; no (the answer was in the negative). negative evidence (or instance) evidence of the non-occurrence of something. negative feedback 1 the return of part of an output signal to the input, tending to decrease the amplification etc. 2 feedback that tends to diminish or counteract the process giving rise to it. negative geotropism see GEOTROPISM. negative income tax an amount credited as allowance to a taxed income, and paid as benefit when it exceeds debited tax. negative pole the south-seeking pole of a magnet. negative proposition Logic = NEGATION 6. negative quantity joc. nothing. negative sign a symbol (-) indicating subtraction or a value less than zero. negative virtue abstention from vice. Derivatives negatively adv. negativeness n. negativity n. Etymology: ME f. OF negatif -ive or LL...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) отрицательная пластина; отрицательный вывод (электронного прибора или элемента) 2) негатив, негативное изображение 3) отрицательная величина отрицательный 4) рассеивающий (о линзе) - assembled negative - black-and-white negative - black-printer negative - camera negative - cine negative - color negative - color separation negative - combined negative - composite negative - contact negative - continuous tone negative - contrast negative - corrected negative - cut negative - dense negative - direct color separation negative - duplicate negative - dup negative - faint negative - film negative - flat negative - glass negative - halftone negative - hard negative - intermediate negative - line negative - masked negative - master negative - motion-picture negative - normal negative - original negative - photographic negative - plate-ready negative - reversed negative - screen negative - separation negative - soft negative - stereoscopic negative - thin negative - tone negative ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) отрицательная величина; отрицательный 2) отрицательный вывод 3) негативное изображение – black negative ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) минусовый 2) негатив 3) негативный 4) отрицание 5) отрицательная величина 6) отрицательный 7) отрицательный ответ 8) противоположный color separate negative — цветоделенный негатив game with negative payoffs — игра с отрицательными платежами game with negative value — игра с отрицательной ценой negative negatively oriented angle — отрицательный угол negative binomial distribution — биномиальное распределение negative binominal random variable — случайная величина, распределенная по закону Паскаля negative cine film — негативная кинопленка negative definite form — отрицательно определенная форма negative definite function — отрицательно определенная функция negative definite kernel — отрицательно определенное ядро negative definite operator — отрицательно определенный оператор negative electron affinity — хим. сродство электронное отрицательное negative exponential distribution — отрицательное экспоненциальное отрицательное показательное распределение negative exponential family — семейство отрицательных экспоненциальных распределений negative exponential law — закон отрицательного экспоненциального распределения negative feedback mechanism — механизм отрицательной обратной связи negative infinite function — отрицательная бесконечно большая функция negative metric space — пространство с отрицательной метрикой...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. негативный - answer in the negative - in the negative - negative pregnant NEGATIVE 1) порочить новизну изобретения; отклонять 2) несогласие 3) недостаток, минус 4) отрицательный; отказной (о решении экспертизы) 5) нейтрализовать – to negative an effect ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. отрицательный ответ; несогласие to answer in the negative —- ответить отрицательно the answer is in the negative —- ответ отрицательный; я не согласен, я против the negative won the debate —- противники предложения (законопроекта, проекта резолюции и т. п.) одержали верх в прениях 2. отказ, отклонение it was decided in the negative —- вопрос был решен отрицательно, предложение было отклонено, просьба была отвергнута the plebiscite returned a negative —- плебисцит дал отрицательный ответ 3. принцип или положение, выраженные в отрицательной форме it's hard to prove a negative —- построенное на отрицании положение трудно доказать two negatives make an affirmative —- минус на минус дает плюс 4. отрицательная черта, сторона; недостаток; минус; отрицательный факт his character is made up of negatives —- он средоточие недостатков 5. уст. запрет, вето 6. грам. отрицание, отрицательная частица 7. грам. отрицательное предложение 8. мат. отрицательная величина 9. эл. отрицательный полюс, катод 10. фот. негатив 11. в грам. знач. междометия нет; не так; неверно (особ. в разговоре по телефону) 12. отрицательный negative answer —- отрицательный ответ negative sign —- знак минус negative quantity —- отрицательная величина; разг. ничто, "пустое место" negative vote —- отрицательный...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  prescription ограничение срока, в продолжение которого право имеет силу NEGATIVE quantity math. отрицательная величина; NEGATIVE  1. adj.  1) отрицательный; to give smb. a negative answer - ответить кому-л. отрицательно; a negative approach to life - пессимистический взгляд на жизнь; - negative quantity - the negative sign - negative voice  2) безрезультатный, не давший ожидаемого результата; a negative test - опыт, давший отрицательный результат  3) недоброжелательный; - negative criticism  4) phot. негативный, обратный (об изображении)  2. noun  1) отрицание; отрицательный ответ; факт; отрицательная черта характера и т.п. the answer is in the negative - ответ отрицательный; two negatives make an affirmative - минус на минус дает плюс; he is a bundle of negatives - в нем одни отрицательные черты - in the negative  2) отказ, несогласие  3) запрет, вето  4) gram. отрицание, отрицательная частица  5) phot. негатив  6) math. отрицательная величина  7) electr. отрицательный полюс, катод  3. v.  1) отрицать; возражать  2) отвергать, опровергать  3) налагать вето; не утверждать (предложенного кандидата)  4) делать тщетным  5) нейтрализовать (действие чего-л.) NEGATIVE voice голос против; возражения NEGATIVE criticism недоброжелательная критика ...
Англо-русский словарь


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